Automate premium collection and accelerate claim repayments
Improve customer experience
Increase broker and underwriter satisfaction
Streamline payment operations

A solution for all your payment use cases
A comprehensive platform for insurance payment teams
Send and receive SEPA, Bacs, CHAPS, FPS, Swift payments and more
Manage schemes indirect participant's messages
Automatically retry failed payments

Access balances and posted transactions in real-time
Benefit from normalised data across all banks
Automate cash sweeps between bank accounts

Connect to SEPA, FPS, Bacs, Swift and more through 30+ banks from a single API
Productised scheme and bank specific incident prevention
24/7/365 technical, bank and scheme support from Numeral payment operations team

Direct integrations with payment gateways, processors, and acquirers
Card and APM settlements reconciliations
High-volume reconciliations

Verify account details and holder before creating payments
Manage accounts and account holders in one place
Manage virtual account numbers, direct debit mandates and more

Setup payment approval workflows to match your controls
Review audit trails for all objects in the Numeral platform
Keep the full control of your data

How much does Numeral cost?
Numeral’s pricing consists of a platform subscription fee, a fee based on the payments processed on the platform, and a fee based on the number of accounts connected to the platform.
Does Numeral intermediate funds?
Numeral is a payment operations software, not a payment service provider. As such, Numeral doesn’t intermediate funds. Your funds flow directly between yours and your customers' and partners' bank accounts. Numeral only exchanges files and messages with your banks to initiate payments from your bank accounts or fetch account or payment-related information. Doing so, Numeral enables you to move funds directly in and out of your bank accounts.
Can I manage both premium collections and claim disbursements using Numeral?
Yes, you can use one Numeral account with as many supported banks, accounts and payment methods as you want.
Can I use Numeral with any bank?
We need to have an integration with your bank for you to use Numeral. Check our current bank coverage. We’re building integrations with new banks every month, and prioritise based on our customers’ needs. Get in touch with us to discuss your bank coverage needs!
Can I notify my customers when their claims disbursements have been executed?
Yes, you can subscribe to events to be notified via webhooks as payments are processed (e.g., sent or rejected) by your bank. You can use those webhooks to build a notification system for your customers.
Can I notify my teams about claim payments pending their approval?
Yes, your teams can be notified directly within the Numeral dashboard. You can also use Numeral’s API and webhooks to build an approval notification system for your teams.
Can I control access to the platform by teams or individuals?
Yes. Numeral allows you to easily configure roles and permissions for your users via a central dashboard. You can also set developer permissions to control usage of the API.